DU student Jordan DeHerrera has been honored as a member of the USA Today 2008 All-USA College Academic Second Team. This marks the seventh consecutive year that DU students have been named to one of the USA Today All-USA College Academic Teams.
The All-USA College Academic Team honors full-time undergraduates who excel in both scholarship and community service. The team of 20 was selected by a panel of judges from hundreds of students nominated by colleges and universities across the U.S.
Judges considered grades, leadership, activities and how students extend their intellectual talents beyond the classroom.
DeHerrera will graduate in June with a bachelor’s degree in economics and master’s degrees in a business administration and accounting.
DeHerrera grew up in Pueblo, Colo., and came to DU on a Boettcher Scholarship because he says it offered the best education in the state. His campus involvement resume is long: Pioneer Leadership Program, DU’s Rotaract chapter, Economics Club, Delta Sigma Pi and Lambda Chi, among others.
He is the founder of Students Engaged in Social Entrepreneurship and has created and led an international service-learning trip to Juarez, Mexico.
In October 2007, he was the only college student selected to attend the Denver Metro Chamber Foundation’s Leadership Exchange trip. The annual trip brings together prominent business and civic leaders to discuss the challenges and best practices of another city facing relevant issues. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter and leaders from many area corporations were among the 150 attendees on the weekend trip to Phoenix.
Recently, DeHerrera created a business plan and grant proposals for the nonprofit Denver Police Brotherhood Amateur Boxing Club. His work helped the organization win enough funding to remain open. During the Democratic National Convention in Denver, he worked with Dovetail Solutions, a local PR agency, to organize a fundraising event for Leader’s Challenge. The event raised $60,000 for the youth development organization.
He recently presented at an international sustainability conference held by the European Bank of Development and Reconstruction. His presentation dealt with capabilities theory and its applications in sustainable economic development.
DeHerrera has applied to a summer PhD preparation program sponsored by the American Economics Association; he hopes to pursue a doctorate in economics and a career with a public policy think tank.
Linda Olson, executive director of Learning Communities and Civic Engagement, nominated DeHerrera for theUSA Today honor on the basis of his commitment to both leadership and service.
“Jordan has shown remarkable academic performance, leadership, community service and involvement that supports the University of Denver and surrounding communities,” Olson says. “He is uniquely gifted in understanding the theory and praxis that go hand in hand with true learning and leadership.”