The Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver tied Yale University for the No. 3 ranking for producing students with strong ethical standards, according to The Wall Street Journal’s/Harris Interactive 2006 rankings of graduate business schools released Sept. 19.
Daniels was ranked No. 12 on the list of the top 51 North American regional business schools and No. 9 in the world for academic excellence in corporate social responsibility, a new category this year. Daniels also was ranked No. 7 in the financial-services industry.
“Our students share a commitment to ethical action and value creation and are working with Daniels faculty to produce the next generation of business innovators,” says Dean Karen Newman.
Daniels is distinctive in having an academic Department of Business Ethics and Legal Studies, as well as a required graduate core course on values-based leadership.
The Wall Street Journal’s/Harris Interactive report is the only business-school ranking based solely on feedback from corporate recruiters. This is the sixth year of the Journal’s rankings, which ranks top business schools regionally, nationally and internationally.