Campus & Community / Magazine Feature

DU weighing light-rail shuttle service

A new shuttle service that would take light-rail riders from the University of Denver Station to distant parts of the campus and back again is on the drawing board.

Demand will be the key. 

“If cost were not important and we had all the money we needed, then you could probably have [multiple] shuttles,” says Rodney Smith, executive director for University events. “At the end of the show, you’d have six or seven of them lined up to take people back to the light rail. That’s realistically how it could work.” 

The shuttle would be a way- finder for visitors unfamiliar with DU and a convenience for those unable or unwilling to hike across campus. 

“What’s going to really drive the need is for us to monitor and really understand how many of the people who get off that light rail are coming to events here,” he says. 

If the numbers demonstrate demand, he says, the service may spring into being. For now, though, it’s “just an idea we threw out at one point and said it would be nice to have down the road.” 

DU currently operates a Safe-Ride shuttle on campus for faculty, staff and students.

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