A number of our readers have written in the last few months to comment on DU’s increasing attention to diversity, which they’ve seen reflected in the pages of the magazine. Most have been excited about the change at DU; some have been incensed.
In the University of Denver Magazine, we strive to be fair and balanced in our coverage and to include content that will appeal to a broad audience. The magazine also communicates the priorities of the University — diversity among them.
The University is continually increasing the resources and efforts it puts behind diversifying the campus. If you like this change, or even if you’re skeptical, be sure to read our Q&A interview with the chancellor on this topic.
As Chancellor Coombe explains, here at DU, diversity means much more than the color of one’s skin. Ethnicity is just one measure of diversity. Religion, political affiliation, nationality, sexual orientation and numerous other factors are just as important.
Disability, too, is a measure of diversity, and one we explore in our cover story about the bonds that disabled DU students, staff and alumni develop with their service dogs.
As I worked with these people, I discovered that I’m not doing enough, on an individual level, to embrace diversity. Do I appreciate diversity? Yes. But as I look at my circle of friends, they’re all pretty much like me.
The thing is, even if we are surrounded by people of astounding variety, we must reach out to those who may come at life from a different perspective. As I learned recently, we’ll be the richer for the effort.