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Linda Cobb-Reiley

Primary Area of Expertise:

Media law and regulation, free expression issues, internet law, research methods

Also qualified to speak on topics in the following areas:


Linda Cobb-Reiley is the Director of the Law and Society Program at The Women’s College and recently retired as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mass Communication & Journalism Studies. Law and Society is a new interdisciplinary undergraduate major at The Women’s College that focuses on how law matters in people’s lives and how people’s lives matter in law. Before coming to DU in 1984, Cobb-Reiley taught at the University of Tulsa and the University of Utah, and worked as a public information director for the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity and as a communication consultant.
Her research interests have involved First Amendment history, internet law and regulation, and the impact of new technologies on teaching and learning.

For more information see:

Additional Contact information:

Fax: 303-871-6897

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