November 4 will be the day that the world starts to change, if Kevin Costner has his way.
The actor, producer and award-winning director spoke to a crowd of students and community members at the University of Denver’s Driscoll Commons Oct. 28.
Costner appeared at a get-out-the-vote rally sponsored by DU Students for Barack Obama, where he urged students to take responsibility and vote early.
“I’m 53, and I’ve seen a lot, taken big bites out of life, and life has taken big bites out of me,” Costner said. “But I’ve noticed that there are two kinds of people in this world, participants and observers.”
“Some say the youth don’t come out strong, that they talk a good game but then find an excuse not to vote,” he said. “You need to come together and start showing they are wrong. Go wild next week by voting today.”
Costner stopped short of offering an endorsement during the main body of his speech, saying instead “I haven’t told you who to vote for — because you know who to vote for.”
In a question-and-answer session, Costner said he was not choosing to vote for Barack Obama because of his policies, but based on a feeling he has about Obama’s ability to do the job. “You can’t underestimate the intellectual energy it takes to be president,” Costner said.
Dillon Doyle, a member of DU Students for Barack Obama, helped organize the event. “Every vote will count this year,” he said. “I hate it when people complain but don’t act on it. You have the power to change the thing you don’t like.”
Costner also made appearances Tuesday at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado.