At DU, student-athletes help incoming undergraduate students move into their residence halls. It’s one of the many traditions that are part of Discoveries Week, DU’s incoming undergraduate orientation program.
The weeklong program is designed to give first-year and transfer students a strong start to their DU experience through workshops, small group meetings, computer classes, presentations, and discussion sessions. Incoming students also will be introduced to resources and community standards of the University.
“It’s really our commitment to helping out the University community,” says Cindi Nagai, associate athletic director for student support services, community relations and diversity. “We ask them to come out to the games and we give back by helping them move in.”
Discoveries Week 2009 marks the fifth year student-athletes have helped incoming undergraduates move in.
Ed. Note: More groups of current DU students helped incoming undergraduate students move into their residence hall rooms, including DU Greek Life, Hillel, Campus Crusade for Christ and the Black Student Association.