Law Professor Eli Wald published “The Visibility of Socioeconomic Status and Class-Based Affirmative Action: A Reply to Professor Sander” in the December 2011 Denver University Law Review (88/861). In November he was appointed co-editor of JOTWELL’s Legal Profession Section. He presented “The Growth of a Modern Law Firm: A Case Study, Globalization and the Legal Profession” at Fordham Law School Oct. 20–21 and “In-House Counsel, Diversity and Discrimination” at Wisconsin Law School Nov 17–18.
University College Adjunct Professor Anton Camarota presented “Sustainabilty leadership: Fact or fiction?” at the 26th annual International Leadership Association conference in London. The poster session contained a summary of an emerging theoretical framework for leaders and managers of sustainable organizations.
Martin Margittai, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, has received a $1,210,000 National Institutes of Health R01 grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for his project titled “Linking Tau Filament Structure to Phenotypic Diversity in Human Tauopathies.”
Nader Hashemi, assistant professor of international studies, authored a chapter, “Religious Leaders, Sectarianism and the Sunni-Shia Divide in Islam,” in Between Terror and Tolerance: Religious Leaders in Deeply Divided Societies (Georgetown University Press, 2011). His chapter “Rethinking the Relationship between Religion and Liberal Democracy: Secularism and its Discontents in Muslim Societies” was published in Islam, the State, and Authority: Medieval Politics and Modern Inflections (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2011). His article “The Arab Revolutions of 2011: Reflections on Religion and Politics,” was published in Insight Turkey, Volume 13, No. 2 (April–June 2011).
Andrea Stanton, assistant professor of Islam, gave a talk on “Political Islam 1930s–Present” at the University of Vienna as part of a departmental internationalization grant. She recently was interviewed by the Des Moines Register about how the U.S. presidential race is affecting popular views of Mormonism and other minority American religions. She recently released the latest issue of the Syrian Studies Association Newsletter, for which she serves as editor.
Law Professor Alan Chen presented “How Public Interest Lawyers Pursue New Rights in a Post-Rights World” at the University of Colorado School of Law on Nov. 4.
Robert Hardaway, professor of law, presented “Top Ten Reasons for Racial Disparity in Incomes” at Columbia Law School on Nov. 4.
Social work Dean James Herbert Williams co-authored two chapters — “Introduction: Human security and conflict in Northern Kenya” and “Summary and conclusion: A view from the bridge” — in Conflict and human security in Africa: Kenya in perspective (Palgrave MacMillan Press, 2011), which he co-edited. He co-authored the article “Social determinants and health service use among racial and ethnic minorities: Findings from a community sample” in Social Work in Health Care (50, 390-405).
Jeffrey Jenson, professor of social work, authored “Advances and challenges in the prevention of youth violence” and co-authored “Effective violence prevention approaches in school, family, and community settings” in Violence in context: Current evidence on risk, protection, and prevention (Oxford University Press, 2011), which he co-edited. He also co-authored three chapters — “A risk and resilience framework for child, youth, and family policy,” “Toward the integration of child, youth, and family policy: Applying principles of risk, resilience, and ecological theory” and “Policies and programs for adolescent substance abuse” — in Social policy for children and families: A risk and resilience perspective, 2nd edition (Sage Publications, 2011), which he co-edited.
Law Visiting Professor Deborah Borman co-authored a new book, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, 5th Edition (Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011). On Nov. 21 she hosted the Chicago Bar Association CAN-TV program “You and The Law” on the topic of the 2011 amendments to the Illinois Power of Attorney Act. She presented “The Play’s the Thing! Collaborating with Theatre Professionals on Acting Techniques to Produce Enhanced Written and Oral Communication” at the Central States Regional Conference in Chicago Sept. 17–18.
Social work Associate Professor Daniel Brisson, Assistant Professor Kimberly Bender and Professor Jeffrey Jenson co-authored an article, “Patterns of aggressive behavior and peer victimization from childhood to early adolescence: A latent class analysis,” in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence (40, 644-655). They presented “The effects of a bully prevention program on patterns of aggression and victimization during the transition to middle school” at the annual conference of the Society for Research on Child Development in Montreal in March 2011. They presented “Effects of a bully prevention program on patterns of bullying and victimization from elementary to middle school” at the Society for Prevention Research annual conference in Washington, DC., in May 2011.
Christopher Lasch, associate professor of law, published a chapter, “Immigration Detainers,” in the Colorado Bar Association manual Immigration Law for the Colorado Practitioner (November 2011). He presented “Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions and Immigration Detainers” at the Colorado Bar Association on Nov. 10.
Walter LaMendola, professor of social work, authored an article, “Child welfare and technology,” in the spring 2011 edition of CW360 (4, 4-12).
Social work Clinical Professor Philip Tedeschi and Scholar-In-Residence Sarah Bexell presented “Conservation social work: Preparing social work students to aid communities facing environmental changes” at the Society for Human Ecology Conference in Las Vegas in April 2011.
Social work doctoral candidate Lindsey Breslin co-authored an article, “Case study: An ethics case study of HIV prevention research on Facebook: The Just/Us Study” in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology (2011).
Rachel Arnow-Richman, professor of law, authored an article — “Just Notice: Re-Reforming Employment at Will” — in the UCLA Law Review (58/ 1, 2010). In a review published in Jotwell, an online journal that peer-reviews legal scholarship, the article was identified as one of the best works of recent scholarship in work law.