Articles written by: Doug McPherson

DU brainstorming led to unique venture capital firm

It seems unlikely that Craig Harrison (BSBA ’03) and Ryan Boykin (BA economics/international studies ’02) would become business partners considering their complaints about each other as roommates at the University of Denver. “Ryan has this over-the-top progressive lifestyle. Who really eats tofu and bean sprouts anyway?” says Harrison (pictured on […]

DU roommates prepared alum for job in governor’s office

DU roommates prepared alum for job in governor’s office

Mary Kay Hogan’s (JD ’96) fondest memory of her time at the University of Denver was sharing a house with fellow law students Bob Stubblefield (JD ’96) and Chris Eng (JD ’96). “It was like living with Felix and Oscar from [the TV show] ‘The Odd Couple,’” she says. Turns […]

Dodgeball bounces back

Dodgeball bounces back

Sports are usually about throwing a ball to others — a fastball to the catcher, a pass to a receiver. But then one day, someone, perhaps having a bad day, thought about throwing a ball at someone. And there you have it: dodgeball, a game where players do their level best […]

Building Tomorrow student chapter to benefit Uganda’s children

Laura Mann (BA ’07) isn’t an architect, a real estate developer or even a carpenter — but she plans to build a school in Africa over the next two years. How? By starting a University of Denver chapter of Building Tomorrow (BT), a non-profit organization that gives college students resources […]

Top cop looking out for her own neighborhood

It never hurts to have a cop as a neighbor.  DU-area residents have one in Tracie Keesee, the Denver Police Department District 3 commander. She grew up on Evans just minutes from the campus, so she knows the University area as well as she knows her badge number. And what’s […]

Service dogs making a whole world of difference for some

Service dogs making a whole world of difference for some

There’s a new dude on DU’s campus, but he won’t take any tests, write any term papers or read a single book.  Yet everybody likes him — even professors.  His name is Hackett, a black Labrador retriever and guide dog for Dave Thomas, a new employee who’s blind and works […]

No boundaries in sight for DU’s Conflict Resolution Institute

No boundaries in sight for DU’s Conflict Resolution Institute

“It’s a win-win.” This simple phrase can bring tranquility to boardrooms, neighborhoods and across the globe, according to Tamra Pearson d’Estree, director of the Center for Research and Practice in DU’s Conflict Resolution Institute (CRI).  “We see the phrase as a positive cultural shift that has caused people to reexamine how […]

Sailing brings alums together

Not all hobbies teach you lessons you can use every day. But a few DU staff, alumni and students have found one that does. Sailing.  “My favorite saying is ‘Get your head out of the boat,’ which means to always look ahead and be aware of what is around you […]

Gaming producer mixes work and play to add fun to advertising

Who says you can’t mix work with play? Brian Robbins (BS computer science ’01, MBA ’01) does it every day. Plenty of folks would love to sit at his desk. Robbins is an executive producer and “gaming evangelist” for Fuel Industries, an interactive ad agency that literally adds fun and […]

Alum turns bicycle passion into tour service business

When Andy Levine (BA ’92) was 10-years-old, he built a ramp on his lawn so he could “get air” on his bicycle. Fast forward 12 years. The day after Levine grabbed his diploma from the University of Denver on June 5, 1992, he hopped on a plane for some serious […]

Alumna’s legal career is full of firsts

When Sheila Hollis (JD ’73) was 6 she tagged along with her mom as she traveled around Denver buying and selling real estate. Evidently little Hollis paid close attention to all the wheeling and dealing because it wasn’t long before she began regurgitating the lingo. “Adults actually called me the […]

DU students tutor teen immigrants

When South High School teacher Dennis Smith needed tutors, he called the University of Denver. Smith teaches at South’s Newcomer Center, a program that teaches English and other basic skills to immigrants from Africa and Mexico. He called DU’s Graduate School of International Studies in 2005 to see if students […]

Shooting for gold: DU student is a 2008 Olympic hopeful

Even though DU junior Greg Patton is an expert marksman, some say his aim is a little high. Indeed. The accounting major is shooting for gold at the 2008 Olympics in China. “My goals include winning a gold medal in the 2008 or 2012 games and to be consistently ranked […]

Computer whiz a leader in interactive advertising industry

Computer whiz a leader in interactive advertising industry

Who says you can’t mix work with play? Brian Robbins (BS computer science ’01, MBA ’01) does it every day. Plenty of folks would love to sit at his desk. Robbins is an executive producer and “gaming evangelist” for Fuel Industries, an interactive ad agency that literally adds fun and […]

Careers on a roll

Careers on a roll

Plenty of Pioneers get their careers under way when they graduate, but none quite like Roslyn Bauer (MS biology ’02) and Deirdre Sage (BA mass communication ’04). And even though a day at the office leaves them bruised and battered, make no mistake, they are on a roll — as […]