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TEDxDU registration opens April 5

DU student Jose Guererro will speak at TEDxDU on May 13.

Registration for DU’s second TEDxDU event will open April 5.

TEDxDU features more than 15 speakers in a fast-paced afternoon of ideas, inspiration, and performance themed around the idea of radical collaboration. Speakers include former Ambassador Christopher Hill, TED speaker and animal welfare activist Temple Grandin, collaborative musician John Common and the Blinding Flashes of Light, and cell biologist Todd Blankenship. Additional speakers will be announced in the following weeks.

“Through this idea of radical collaboration, we hope to reveal the power of partnership, where unlikely ideas, inspiration or research can propel an idea forward faster than anyone could do alone,” says DU Chancellor Robert Coombe. “TEDxDU is part of our ongoing commitment to improve the human condition.”

Two venues will be available for attendees to watch the TEDxDU event on May 13 from 1–6 p.m.

TEDxDU will take place in DU’s Newman Center for the Performing Arts. Doors open at 12:45 p.m. The Newman Center event will have one intermission, and attendees will come for the entire program.  A reception on-stage will follow the last speaker.

Those who want to participate in TEDxDU but require a flexible schedule are encouraged to register for TEDxDU Active at the Driscoll Ballroom. Hosted by DU alum Rob Gleeson, TEDxDU Active is a live simulcast. TEDxDU Active opens at 12:30 p.m. Tickets include a complimentary pre-event lunch and the post-event party at the Newman Center.

A pre-event party will be held on May 12 from 6-8 p.m. in DU’s Driscoll Ballroom. The kick-off party will feature Gleeson, TED talks, appetizers and a cash bar.

TEDxDU events are free, but seating is limited and registration is required at The event also will be streamed live at

TEDxDU is an independently organized event licensed by TED, which stands for “Technology, Entertainment and Design.”  TED is a nonprofit devoted to “ideas worth spreading.” At TED conferences, leading scientists, philosophers, entrepreneurs and artists present their ideas in 18 minutes or less. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

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