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Maria Riva, Ph.D.

Primary Area of Expertise:

Group leadership, small and large group behaviors


Maria Riva works in the Counseling Psychology Program at the Morgridge College of Education.  She received the University of Denver Distinguished Teaching Award in 2001.  She co-edited Handbook of Group Counseling and Psychotherapy, and co-authored “Teaching Group Work: Modeling Group Leader and Member Behaviors in the Classroom to Demonstrate Group Theory” in the Journal for Specialists in Group Work.  Riva has been honored as a fellow for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, and chaired the University of Denver Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects.  Her research interests include adolescent development, counseling with adolescents and families, group counseling, training and supervision and issues of cultural diversity.  She is affiliated with the American Psychological Association and the American Counseling Association

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