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Tom Drabek

Primary Area of Expertise

  • Group and organizational responses to large-scale disasters

Also qualified to speak on topics in the following areas:

  • Issues in the sociology of education


Thomas E. Drabek, Professor Emeritus, received his PhD from Ohio State University in 1965. His primary interests include group and organizational responses to large-scale disasters and issues in the sociology of education.  His most recent books are: “Strategies for Coordinating Disaster Responses; Disaster-Induced Employee Evacuations” and “Emergency Management Principles and Application for Tourism, Hospitality, and Travel Management” (co-authored with C. Gee, University of Hawaii at Manoa).  In August 2007, he was awarded the E.L. Quarantelli Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Theory by the International Research Committee on Disasters.

For more information see:,_Thomas.html

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