Jessica West, visiting assistant professor in DU’s Sturm College of Law, recently presented a work-in-progress, “12 Racist Men: Post-Verdict Evidence of Juror Bias.”
The Villanova Law Review recently published an article by Law Assistant Professor Ian Farrell. The article, “Gilbert & Sullivan and Scalia: Philosophy, Proportionally, and the Eighth Amendment” critiques Justice Scalia’s interpretation of the Eighth Amendment as not requiring proportionality between the punishment and the crime.
Associate Professor of Law Eli Wald wrote an article, “Should Judges Regulate Lawyers?” that will appear in a November issue of the McGeorge Law Review.
Assistant Law Professor Bernard Chao presented a lecture, “Using Special Masters in Litigation,” at Berkeley, Calif. Sept. 25.
William Shutkin, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, presented “The Front Range and Sustainability” at a fellowship reunion at the Harvard Graduate School of Design in October. He will also present at a sustainability series in Kansas City, Mo. in November.