Colorado is facing a critical shortage of primary care physicians, amplified by the aging of the baby-boom generation and population growth in the state. Responding to this critical shortfall, the University of Denver announced today it will launch a study to determine the feasibility of a new medical school.
Chancellor Robert Coombe says the University believes a new medical school would be a powerful investment in Colorado’s health future.
“The University of Denver is always seeking bold and pioneering ways to serve the public good. Our primary objective is to determine if we can fill the health services gap by training students as primary care physicians to meet the escalating needs of the medically-underserved,” Coombe says.
Colorado is not alone in its primary health care shortages. Many states face similar challenges in rural and urban areas where there are inadequate numbers of health professionals serving a community. Coombe noted that undertaking the feasibility study also is a logical next step and consistent with the University’s mission to serve the public good, including current efforts to develop our science and engineering programs and success in offering excellent professional degrees. No decision to move forward will be made until the feasibility study is completed.
The University is partnering with DJW Associates to conduct the study. It will assess community and market needs as well as gauge physician and health system support, evaluate the potential applicant pool, identify current and needed resources, ascertain potential clinical partners and weigh the issues and challenges.
“This is just the first step in a long and thoughtful process to determine the best way to serve Colorado’s most vulnerable residents,” Coombe says.