
Research updates February 2011

Lydia Gil Keff, a lecturer in the department of languages and literatures, delivered the keynote address at the Jewish Latin-American Fiction Symposium Jan. 23. She also presented the paper “Memorializing Disappearance in Nora Strejilevich’s A Single Numberless Death.”

Economics Associate Professor Peter Sai-wing Ho’s book Rethinking Trade and Commercial Policy Theories: Development Perspectives was published by Edward Elgar Publishing.

Joseph Labrecque, senior multimedia application developer, gave presentations to three user groups on application development with AIR for the BlackBerry PlayBook: “Columbus Digital” in Columbus, Ohio, “LA Flash” in Los Angeles, and “KCDevCore” in Kansas City, Mo. He was named an Adobe Community Professional for 2011.

Laura Rovner, associate professor of law, was appointed co-chair of the Political Interference Group, which assists clinicians and law schools with issues of outside interference. The group provides resources and advice to clinicians, deans and others; communicates with individuals and organizations in the academic community; maintains a library of political interference materials; and educates the law school community about issues of outside interference.

English lecturer Billy Stratton has two articles pending publication this coming year. “Alone on the Colorado: Glen Canyon, Edward Abbey, and the Origins of Radical Environmentalism” will be published in Weber The Contemporary West and “el brujo es un coyote: Taxonomies of Trauma in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian” will be published in the Arizona Quarterly.

Alison Krogel’s book Food, Power, and Resistance in the Andes: Exploring Quechua Verbal and Visual Narratives was published in January by Lexington Books.

Law Associate Professor Annecoos Wiersema presented “International Environmental Law Year in Review 2010” at the AALS annual meeting Jan. 6.

Celia Taylor presented “Sustainability Companies Law—U.S. Perspective” in Oslo, Norway in December.

Don Smith, lecturer and director of the ENRL program, interviewed Dr. Caroline Jackson, a member of the European Parliament from the United Kingdom from 1984–2009 and chair of the Parliament’s Environment Committee from 1999–2004.

Andrea Stanton, a lecturer in religious studies, has been named editor of the Syrian Studies Association newsletter and general editor for the forthcoming Cultural Sociology of the Middle East (Golson). Her chapter “The Message and American Muslims” will appear in Muslims in American Popular Culture, edited by Iraj Omidvar and Anne Richards, this spring (Praeger). Additionally, her article “The Changing Face of El Moudjahid During the Algerian War” will appear in the Journal of North African Studies this spring.

Ronald V. Yegge Clinical Director and Associate Professor of Law Christine Cimini, presented “The Role of Fault in a Post Hoffman World” at the New York University Law School in October. She also moderated a panel on immigrant youth activism at the Sturm College of Law in October.

Professor Tom Russell recently was interviewed by the Aurora Sentinel, Westword, the Denver Daily News, The Denver Post, Face the State and the Colorado Springs Gazette about taxi legislation.

Music Professor Ray Kireilis has released a new CD, English Clarinet Quintets. It features the works of Sir Arthur Bliss and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor; both pieces feature solo clarinet with string quartet accompaniment. Information about Kireilis can be found on his website,

David Montano, an associate professor in the Lamont School of Music, presented a paper titled “Global Destabilizations, Sustainable Solutions, and Schools of Music:  Challenges and Potentials in a Perilous Time” at the 29th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education held August 1–6, 2010, in Beijing, China.

Alan Chen, associate dean for faculty scholarship and director of the Constitutional Rights and Remedies Program, was mentioned in an article in The Plain Dealer on new Supreme Court opinion about proper procedure for government appeals in constitutional rights enforcement cases. On Jan. 28, he was on a panel called “Is the Tea Party a Constitutional Movement?”

Assistant law Professors Christopher Lasch and Robin Walker Sterling served as faculty members for the first week of Harvard Law School’s three-week Trial Advocacy Workshop.

Law Dean Martin Katz moderated a panel at the Byron White Center Annual Rothgerber Conference: Popular Constitutionalism and the Uses of History in Constitutional Arguments Jan. 28. Katz also published the essay “Hoisted by their own Petard: Struve Applies Pretext Analysis to the Court, Finds Justices’ Motives Questionable.”

K.K. DuVivier has been elected treasurer of the Natural Resources Section of the American Association of Law Schools at the annual meeting of the AALS in San Francisco in January. Last year, she served on the executive committee and this year was promoted to become one of only four named officers for the section. She also taught an intersession course on renewable energy law at the University of Houston Law Center. Only a handful of law schools teach renewable energy law, and DuVivier says she was happy to share the University of Denver’s expertise in this subject area with other schools. Professor DuVivier taught the course using draft chapters of her upcoming book, The Renewable Energy Reader, which is due out from Carolina Academic Press in late 2011 or early 2012.

Lawyering Process Director David Thomson recently presented “How LRW Faculty can Contribute to their Law School’s Assessment Plan” in San Francisco and presented “Managing Laptops and Mobile Devices in the Classroom” at DU Jan. 21.

Erik Estrada, an adjunct faculty member at the University of Denver and a lawyer at Davis Graham & Stubbs, LLP, was recently named to the Board of Directors of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy and Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Tony Grampsas Fund, a program of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Estrada is a graduate of the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.

Ved Nanda, director of International Legal Studies, was interviewed on 9News Feb. 10 about the future of Egypt.

Andy Sharma, new faculty at the Institute for Public Policy Studies, will be attending the 91st Southwestern Social Science Conference in Las Vegas in March. Sharma will present a paper on employing simultaneous equations to model health and utilization for elderly Americans. The policy implications from his work suggest novel ways to reduce health disparities for elderly minorities.

Assistant psychology Professor Kateri McRae recently had two papers published, “Social, Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience” and “Basic and Applied Social Psychology.”


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