Outlet: The Wall Street Journal
Title/Program: Los sueldos en Wall Street vuelven a la estratósfera – WSJ.com
Publication Date: 02/07/2011
Media Type: Online Print Version
Extract: en la industria que se vio entre 2008 y 2009, conforme la banca de inversión y el corretaje volvieron a la vida. “Las cosas están regresando a donde estaban antes”, dijo J. Robert Brown, un profesor de derecho de la Universidad de Denver que estudia la remuneración y los temas de gobierno corporativo. Enterradas en los números, sin embargo, hay señales de cómo la cultura salarial de Wall Street se está cambiando en respuesta a la presión por parte de reguladores y accionistas. El año pasado
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Outlet: Newsweek.com
Title/Program: High on Anxiety
Publication Date: 02/09/2011
Media Type: Online Print Version
Extract: on performance. In other people, anxiety is not about usefulness but familiarity, finds psychology researcher Brett Ford of the University of Denver. She measured the “trait emotions” (feelings people tend to have most of the time) of 139 undergraduates, using a questionnaire that lists emotions and asks “to what extent you feel this way in general.” She then grouped the students into those characterized by “trait fear” (those who tended to be anxious, worried, or nervous), “trait anger” (chronically angry
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Outlet: UPI.com
Title/Program: Child care can help ‘difficult homes’
Publication Date: 02/07/2011
Media Type: News Web Sites
Extract: DENVER, Feb. 7 (UPI) — Children from homes lacking good parent-child interactions may benefit from high-quality child care, a U.S. researcher says. Sarah Enos Watamura of the University of Denver suggests experiencing high-quality child care may offer children from difficult backgrounds more positive models of expressing themselves and interacting with the world. This safe space seems to help protect young children from developing anxious, aggressive behaviors. Enos Watamura led
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Outlet: CNBC
Title/Program: The Truth And Consequences Of Love, Money And Deception
Publication Date: 02/08/2011
Media Type: Online Broadcast Version
Extract: provides a potential conflict point in a relationship,” says Ted Beck, president and CEO of the National Endowment for Financial Education. “No matter how you frame it, what one does with money influences the other.” says Prof. Howard Markman, co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver In 35 years of studying marital conflict Markman says that money is the No. 1 topic of argument among couples, young and old. “But one of the major findings from our
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Outlet: 9news.com
Title/Program: Carbon monoxide leak: Hockey players were slow, lethargic
Publication Date: 02/07/2011
Media Type: Online Broadcast Version
Extract: signed a law requiring all newly built homes and any home that is sold to have carbon monoxide detectors installed. It was passed after the Lofgren family died from carbon monoxide poisoning in Aspen. A University of Denver student, also named Lauren Johnson, died of carbon monoxide in her apartment. Neither home had detectors.
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Outlet: Denver Post
Title/Program: Guest Commentary Culturing community in urban design
Publication Date: 02/07/2011
Media Type: Daily Newspaper
Extract: …ideas and plans that better serve the cause of building viable, sustainable and good cities. Dean Saitta is anthropology chair at the University of Denver. Kyle Cascioli is a commercial property re-use consultant and adjunct faculty in the Daniels College of Business at DU….
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Outlet: Denver Post
Title/Program: COLLEGE HOCKEY Freshmen giving DU leverage for NCAAs
Publication Date: 02/08/2011
Media Type: Daily Newspaper
Extract: …Just as coach George Gwozdecky and his staff hoped in September, a fine group of freshmen has eliminated the University of Denver’s fear of chalking up 2010-11 as a rebuilding season. With eight regular-season games remaining, the Pioneers are tied…
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Outlet: DenverPost.com
Title/Program: DU, CU skiers shine for USA
Publication Date: 02/08/2011
Media Type: Online Print Version
Extract: The U.S. Ski Team, with a big boost from its Colorado contingent, took home four gold medals and a silver medal at the 25th Winter World University Games, which wrapped up Sunday in Erzurum, Turkey. “This is the most decorated American group of skiers we’ve ever had representing the United States at these Games,” said University of Colorado coach Richard Rokos, who directed Team USA. University of Denver skiers won three of the Americans’ gold medals: senior Seppi Stiegler (men’s slalom
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Outlet: DenverPost.com
Title/Program: Colorado Supreme Court: RTD private contractors don’t have immunity in lawsuits
Publication Date: 02/09/2011
Media Type: Online Print Version
Extract: in the crash last April and other people who may get injured from these private companies’ negligence will have the opportunity to be treated fairly,” Cook said. University of Denver law professor Tom Russell said the ruling “returns at least a little bit of sense to the law regarding contractors with governmental immunity.” “With immunity, the entity has less incentive to act safely because they will never have to take responsibility for the full cost of the deaths or injuries they cause,” said Russell
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Outlet: NCAA sports
Title/Program: Denver earns three gold medals at World Univ. Games
Publication Date: 02/07/2011
Media Type: News Web Sites
Extract: ERZURUM, Turkey – University of Denver skiers senior Seppi Stiegler, freshman Sterling Grant and sophomore Jennie VanWagner all captured gold medals at the Winter World University Games in Erzurum, Turkey, from Jan. 29 to Feb. 6. DU skiers won three of the United States’ five gold medals, and one of their two silvers. Stiegler won the men’s slalom, while earning silver in the men’s alpine overall. Stiegler also finished sixth in men’s giant slalom, 11th in men’s super combined and 32nd in men
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Outlet: Official Wire
Title/Program: Child Care Can Help ‘difficult Homes’
Publication Date: 02/07/2011
Media Type: News Web Sites
Extract: Children from homes lacking good parent-child interactions may benefit from high-quality child care, a U.S. researcher says. Sarah Enos Watamura of the University of Denver suggests experiencing high-quality child care may offer children from difficult backgrounds more positive models of expressing themselves and interacting with the world. This safe space seems to help protect young children from developing anxious, aggressive behaviors. Enos Watamura led investigators from several
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Outlet: abc NEWS
Title/Program: Cuba’s Brave New Economic World – ABC News
Publication Date: 02/08/2011
Media Type: Online Broadcast Version
Extract: ‘ll do this full time,” said Kendra, who asked to be identified by her first name only. “The recent announcement that the government will shift 500,000 state jobs to the private sector confirms the important, but gradual and slow reforms underway are irreversible,” Arturo Lopez-Levy, a Cuban-American political scientist at the University of Denver, said. “The government has committed to opening more space for small business and cooperatives, which to function need the model to change from state
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Outlet: AllVoices
Title/Program: Child care can help ‘difficult homes’
Publication Date: 02/08/2011
Media Type: News Web Sites
Extract: Children from homes lacking good parent-child interactions may benefit from high-quality child care, a U.S. researcher says. of the University of Denver suggests experiencing high-quality child care may offer children from difficult backgrounds more positive models of expressing…
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Outlet: Insurance Leaders: Dream, Learn, Do & Become
Title/Program: Why Some People Choose Anxiety – Newsweek
Publication Date: 02/08/2011
Media Type: Blogs
Extract: Why Some People Choose Anxiety – Newsweek Newsweek High On Anxiety by Casey Schwartz February 06, 2011 Excepts: In other people, anxiety is not about usefulness but familiarity , finds psychology researcher Brett Ford of the University of Denver. She measured the “ trait emotions ” (feelings people tend to have most of the time) of 139 undergraduates, using a questionnaire that lists emotions and asks “ to what extent you feel this way in general .” She then grouped the students into those
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Outlet: Letters From Ripley
Title/Program: Bits & Pieces
Publication Date: 02/08/2011
Media Type: Blogs
Extract: . Once folks got past one or two problems….they went into their favorite feeling of anxiety and started to fumble around with their feelings and emotions at double what you’d expect. Another researcher, Brett Ford of the University of Denver, came to discover that happy people….tend to be happy….no matter what comes along in life. What you have to worry about here….is that some company will eventually realize all of this….hire up a HR department and demand that they devise tests to pick
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Outlet: CBS 4 Denver
Title/Program: How To Ask For A Raise The Right Way
Publication Date: 02/09/2011
Media Type: News Web Sites
Extract: . Also, be prepared for what you’ll do if your boss says no. Some people fear getting fired, but you can avoid the fear by knowing the facts. “I think you have to look at the company. I think you really have to understand what the company’s financial is and if they are in a secure position, then you have an opportunity,” said Sally Burnett. Burnett runs her own consulting firm and teaches business at the University of Denver. She said employees need to do their homework before asking for more
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