
Editorial Policies

DU Today

DU Today, the University of Denver’s online publication

    1. FAIRNESSDU Today will strive to provide fair and balanced coverage. The publication does not support or endorse any individual politician or political party, nor does it favor any particular individual, organization or department within the University.


    1. ACCURACYDU Today will correct all known errors of fact and will label corrected articles as such. The publication will update live articles when critical information changes (e.g. the time and date of an event); archived articles will not be updated. Development of new information requires publication of a new article, which may link to previous articles on the same subject. Corrections and updates will be published within 24 hours of receipt (or the next business day).


    1. GOVERNANCEDU Today is published by the Division of Marketing & Communications for University of Denver alumni, parents, students, employees, neighbors and friends. DU Today editors content decisions, subject to review by the editorial director and division’s vice chancellor.


    1. SUBMISSIONSDU Today does not publish unsolicited reader submissions. Reader feedback and discourse is welcomed, however, with the following stipulations:


      • Comments will be moderated and reviewed prior to publication. We reserve the right to reject or remove:
        • Comments that are defamatory, libelous or obscene.
        • Comments that violate intellectual property law.
        • Comments that include profanity.
        • Comments that publish a private citizen’s e-mail address, phone number, address, birth date, Social Security number or other personally identifiable information.
        • Comments that publish information protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
        • Comments that include affiliate marketing, link referral code, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes or unsolicited commercial advertisement.
        • Comments that stereotype, intimidate or are hateful toward an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, age or disability.
        • Comments that fabricate, deceive or mislead.
        • Comments that violate University of Denver policy.
        • Please review our Comment Guidelines for further information.
      • By posting opinions, comments or ideas on DU Today, you grant the University of Denver a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable and fully sub-licensable right to use, copy, reproduce, modify, display, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute and display such comments throughout the world in any form, media, software or technology of any kind. You also grant the University of Denver the right to use your name in connection with the reproduction or distribution of such material.
      • By posting opinions, comments or ideas on www.du.edu/today, you agree that you will indemnify the University of Denver against any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of a claim by a third party relating to any material you have posted.


    1. LINKED SITES—This site may contain links to other sites on the Internet (“Linked Sites”).
      • The University of Denver is not responsible for the content, advertising, products or other materials made available on or through any Linked Site. The links to these sites are for your convenience only, and you access them at your own risk. The University of Denver shall not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been caused to a user in connection with Linked Sites.
      • The University of Denver welcomes links to this site. You may establish a link to this site, provided that the link does not state or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of your site by the University of Denver or any group or individual affiliated with the University.
      • You may not incorporate into another site the content or other materials on this site without prior written consent.


    1. DEATH NOTICESDU Today may publish obituaries for the following: University building, college/school or institute namesakes; current faculty/staff, students or administrators; amici and emeriti; alumni, donors and neighbors who are also public figures.


    1. ADVERTISINGDU Today does not accept advertising.


University of Denver Magazine

    1. FAIRNESS—The University of Denver Magazine will strive to provide fair and balanced coverage. The magazine does not support or endorse any individual politician or political party, nor does it favor any particular individual, organization or department within the University.


    1. ACCURACY—The University of Denver Magazine will correct all errors of fact. Class notes or death notices will be corrected online and a correction notice will be published in the Alumni Connections section of the print edition; all other corrections will be published in the Letters section


    1. GOVERNANCE—The University of Denver Magazine is published by the Division of Marketing & Communications for University of Denver alumni, parents, students, employees, neighbors and friends. It is governed by an editorial board, which meets at least once annually.
      • The board includes two at-large faculty or staff appointments, and two at-large alumni appointments. At-large appointments are staggered 2-year commitments.
      • The editorial board is charged with balancing the interests of readers with the interests of the University as a whole. It operates in accordance with established University policies, procedures and regulations.
      • The magazine’s editor makes magazine content decisions, subject to review and approval by the division’s vice chancellor.


    1. SUBMISSIONS—All reader submissions (class notes, death notices, contest entries, essays and letters to the editor) should include a full name and contact information. Submissions for publication may not be potentially libelous or obscene, may not malign specific individuals or groups, and may not promote or endorse a product, service, political candidate or party. All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, length and style. With their submission, readers grant the University permission to publish any included information, as well as attendance dates or DU degree(s) and year(s) of graduation, and the city and state of residence or employment.
      1. Letters to the editor—The editorial staff reserves the right to limit the number of letters on a particular topic. Letters may include corrections, clarifications or criticisms of specific content. To be considered for publication, letters:
        • Must directly reference content that was published in the University of Denver Magazine within the past two issues.
        • Must contain information relevant to the magazine’s audience.
        • Must be short (no more than 300 words).
      2. Essays—The editorial staff will select essays based on quality, relevance, and balance. All essays are subject to editing after acceptance. To be considered for publication, essays:
        • Must be reflective in nature and written in the first person.
        • Must not be in the style of argument or opinion.
        • Must be 400–600 words in length.
        • Must not have been previously published.
      3. Class Notes—The University of Denver Magazine will not publish notes submitted by a third party, unless that party is legally authorized to act on behalf of an alumnus(a). The magazine will not publish alumni phone numbers or email addresses, but may publish valid Web addresses.
        • Notes must be about an alumnus(a) of the University of Denver. An alumnus(a) is any individual who was enrolled in a degree program of the University for one academic quarter or longer. The magazine does not publish notes for the Women’s College alumnae unless they also meet University of Denver alumni criteria.
        • Notes must include degree or attendance information that can be verified by University records.
        • Notes may not include anticipated wedding dates or announcements of impending births. Engagement announcements (without dates) are acceptable, as are after-the-fact wedding and birth announcements.
        • Digital photos submitted with class notes must be 300 dpi at a minimum size of 1” x 2”. Slides are acceptable, as are most black-and-white or color prints; photocopies cannot be used.
        • Class notes submitted to individual departments, the University of Denver Magazine or the online alumni community will appear online and in the magazine, and may also be published in departmental newsletters or magazines.
      4. Death Notices—The University of Denver Magazine publishes obituaries only for the following: chancellors and chancellors emeriti; University building namesakes; and alumni, faculty/staff, students or administrators who are also public figures. The magazine publishes death notices about University of Denver alumni, students, current or retired faculty or staff members, volunteers or donors. Death notices include a name, University affiliation, hometown and date of death.


    1. ADVERTISING—Advertising may constitute no more than 10 percent of content in an issue (as required by U.S. Postal Service nonprofit periodicals permit regulations) and may be for University of Denver programs only. Advertising will not appear on the University of Denver Magazine website.
      • Advertising rates are set by the magazine’s editorial board and are published on a rate card.
      • Ad space and placement must be reserved in advance by written agreement. Only University of Denver Magazine staff members may execute an ad agreement on behalf of the magazine.
      • Ads must conform to University of Denver graphic identity and brand standards, as well as the University of Denver Style Manual.
      • Ads must conform to design and size specifications.
      • Ads may not include the logo/mark of any non-DU entity without prior approval of the editorial staff and U.S. Postal Service.
      • Ads may not be for travel or life insurance programs, even if affiliated with the University.
      • Advertorials must be clearly labeled as such.
      • All advertisements are subject to approval by the editor, publisher or editorial board.


Media Access Policy at the University of Denver

The University of Denver’s News and Public Affairs office is happy to assist members of the media at any time. Contact information is available on the news media page.

Please remember that the University of Denver is a private institution. Media must have permission from our communications team to work on campus prior to arriving on campus. Conduct while on the University of Denver campus is governed by all applicable university policies and procedures.

The following guidelines will help expedite your visit to the campus.

        1. Call our communications team to ask for assistance in arranging an interview.
        2. If you have already made contact with someone at DU, please call the communication team before arriving on campus.
        3. A representative from our communications team will assist you in finding parking and will escort you to the interview location.
        4. Camera crews must be escorted at all times.

The University of Denver’s Department of Campus Safety notifies the communications team when they make contact with a member of the media. If you make arrangements in advance, Campus Safety will be informed of your visit which will eliminate possible delays.

These policies are not designed to place major restrictions on access to campus. However, there are certain expectations of privacy at an institution such at the University of Denver and these guidelines are intended to protect faculty, staff and students.

If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact Kim DeVigil, senior director of communications, at 303-871-2775.

Thank you for your cooperation.


If you plan to visit the University of Denver campus on a story assignment, please call Kim DeVigil at 303-871-2775 to make arrangements for free, close-in parking. We are generally located at University Boulevard and Evans Avenue in southeast Denver, and have parking available across the campus. See parking services for detailed parking information.

Photo requests

To secure photos from DU archives, please contact Wayne Armstrong at 303-871-3077.

Commenting Guidelines

We want you to be a part of the DU Today conversation. Please share your perspective by leaving comments on the site.

To keep the discussion constructive, we have a few basic guidelines:

      • Be civil: Please respond respectfully. There is room for disagreement, but please disagree with people’s ideas. Personal attacks, taunts, name-calling and threats have no place in civil discussion.
      • Stay on topic: If you have questions or comments not related to the story, please contact us. Advertisements, marketing and spam will be rejected.
      • Keep it short: Try to limit your posts to no more than a few paragraphs (about 150 words). We may excerpt or edit your comment if it is excessively long.
      • You only need to make your point once: We may remove repetitive posts.
      • Don’t paste a large amount of text from another site: If you find a relevant article, include a link or a short excerpt. Pasting the entire article violates copyright laws.
      • Review your post: Check for errors before you submit, and try to use standard punctuation, spelling, grammar and capitalization. Even if we’re careful, we all make mistakes; don’t call attention to the grammatical or spelling mistakes of others as a way of discrediting their points of view.

Comments are closed.