Eli Wald, professor of law, presented “Nationalizing Law Practice and other Contemporary Topics in Legal Ethics” at Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons on May 6. The talk was invited by the Community Association Institute attorneys’ committee for the Colorado chapter.
Law Professor Kris Miccio has been appointed to serve on the board of consultants for Women’s Aid Republic of Ireland. She is the sole American law professor serving the NGO.
Law Lecturer Don Smith authored an article, “The Miraculous Dawn of the European Union, 60 Years Ago Today,” published on Forbes.com on April 18. The article was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Paris, which laid the foundation for what is today’s European Union. On April 16 he presented “Jean Monnet and the Making of Modern Europe” in Denver at the workshop “Comparing Democracies: Get to Know Europe” sponsored by the Denver-based Center for Education in Law and Democracy.
Steven McDonald, assistant professor of theater, is the sound designer for the award-winning Paragon Theatre Company’s The Pride, an exploration of identity, gender and sexuality in the 1950s and the 21st century. The show plays at Paragon through May 27.
David Ciepley, an assistant professor of political science, has received a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars for the 2011–12 academic year. The Wilson Center, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a nonpartisan institution dedicated to the study of national and world affairs.
History Assistant Professor Elizabeth Campbell Karlsgodt published a new book, Defending National Treasures: French Art and Heritage Under Vichy (Stanford University Press, 2011). The book explores the fate of art and cultural heritage during the Nazi occupation of France.
Senior Interactive Software Engineer Joseph Labrecque became the industry news correspondent for ActiveTuts+. His Flash Development for Android Cookbook is now available for pre-order online. Labrecque presented “Getting Down n’ Dirty with Mobile Flex 4.5 Projects” and sat on a panel — “Open Screen Project: Views From the Trenches” — at the 360|Flex conference in Denver. He also was interviewed for the “Runtime Expectations” internet radio show about teaching, technology, authoring, mobile and music.
Lynn Schofield Clark — associate professor of media, film and journalism studies — published an article, “High school journalism and the making of young citizens,” in Journalism: Theory, Practice, & Criticism (38:1-16). Alumna Rachel Monserrate co-authored the article, which is based on in-depth research she and Schofield Clark conducted with several Denver area high school journalism programs as well as some work with the national and regional high school journalism associations.
Viola instructor Basil Vendryes and Colorado College harp instructor Ann Marie Liss have formed the Duo Esprit. Having commissioned works and transcriptions from several composers (including Lamont faculty Chris Malloy, Conrad Kehn and Ricardo Iznaola), they performed several concerts this year, including recitals at the Newman Center, Bethany Concert Series, Colorado College, CSU and the Lord of the Mountains Series in Dillon. They are planning concerts in Wyoming, Texas and Kansas in addition to programs in the Denver area during the 2011 – 12 season.
Anthropology Associate Professor Bonnie Clark’s work is featured in the May/June issue of Archaeology magazine. The article features results of research led by Clark at Amache, the site of Colorado’s World War II era Japanese-American internment camp.
Marketing Professor Don Bacon has been selected to be the next editor of the Journal of Marketing Education. He takes over on July 1 as incoming editor and will be editor after the December 2011 issue.
Donald Stedman, John Evans Professor of chemistry and biochemistry, in April received a U.S. patent for his method for quantifying the presence of components in the exhaust of commercial and/or heavy-duty vehicles.
On March 2, Law Professor Alan Chen commented on 9News about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision protecting the First Amendment rights of the Westboro Baptist Church to engage in protest activity outside of funerals. In February, he was appointed to the AALS committee to review scholarly papers for the 2012 annual meeting.