
Recommendations of DU’s SIP panel on immigration

Recognize global migration as an opportunity, not a reality to be ignored. Immigration policy should deliver economic, social and other benefits to the United States. Immigration priorities should place U.S. interests first. Goals for immigration should be, in this order: national security, social vitality, economic advantage, family unification and refugee […]

Advice for alumni

Experts offer debt management advice for alumni.

Advice for parents

Experts offer debt management advice for parents of college students.

Advice for students

Experts offer debt management advice for students.

The legal landscape

Gay and lesbian families can face daunting legal challenges.

Editor’s Note

When I started my freshman year at DU 18 years ago, I wasn’t concerned about debt. I was just happy to be going to college at a good school. So what if I would graduate with some student loans? I saw them as an investment in my future. By the […]

University increases scholarship funding

In recognition of the recession’s impact on students’ family finances, University Advancement has intensified its efforts to grow DU’s endowed scholarship funding. “Scholarships are the number one priority in our fundraising efforts,” says Ed Harris, vice chancellor for University Advancement. “More than ever, we are working hard to make sure […]


Four Corners Kudos for the article “A New Direction” (spring 2009). Much of my nonfiction reading has been about the plight of many American Indian tribes. Hopefully, programs such as this at DU’s Graduate School of Social Work will increase awareness of this much-neglected segment of our society and perhaps […]

Editor’s note

Editor’s note

My West — the West of my youth — was one of blue-ribbon biscuits baked for the county fair; gathering eggs, still warm, from under the cushion of a hen who would peck you ferociously on the back of the hand if you didn’t move fast enough; stalking through a silent, frosted […]

Australian Chamber Orchestra to perform with countertenor Andreas Scholl

The Australian Chamber Orchestra will perform with the German operatic singer Andreas Scholl at the Newman Center on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. Steve Seifert, executive director of the Newman Center, anticipates that the acoustics in June Swaner Gates Concert Hall will perfectly compliment the combined sound of the […]

Leland Becenti, MSW ’08

Leland Becenti, MSW ’08

Leland Becenti, who is Navajo and Apache, describes growing up immersed in cultural teachings. Becenti is doing his best to pass on the traditions, not only as a father of five, but also as a consultant providing cross-cultural training in schools, behavioral agencies and his community. He and his wife […]

Creating an information clearinghouse

Solving early childhood learning’s information-delivery challenges is an important item on the Marsico Institute for Early Learning and Literacy’s short-term agenda. The strategy is simple: Create an information portal that provides a clear-cut path through the maze. A beta version of that vision, www.EarlyChildhoodColorado.org, went live online last year. “This […]

A research-based curriculum

On any given day, when the weather is warm enough to travel, a gaggle of pint-sized students explores DU’s campus. These are the infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children who attend the Morgridge College of Education‘s Fisher Early Learning Center. Thanks to an innovative program that takes full use of University […]

Letters – Spring 2009

Faith matters For more than 41 years I have enjoyed reading various alumni publications from DU. I was stunned by the article “Saving Seph,” which chronicled the hopeful battle against Seph’s Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The article says of Seph’s mother, Lori: “The primary source of that hope is faith in […]

Loretta Martinez, MSW 2004

Loretta Martinez, MSW 2004

Loretta Martinez is social services director for the Ramah Navajo tribe, two hours west of Albuquerque. In that role, she works within her own community, overseeing services for 4,000. Her responsibilities include financial, support staff, foster care, child welfare and meeting with stakeholders. While doing all that, she remembers her […]